CA19-9 capability as predictor of pancreatic cancer resectability in a Spanish cohort
Herreros-Villanueva, M, Ruiz-Rebollo, L, Montes, M, Rodriguez-Lopez, M, Francisco, M, Cubiella, J, Iyo, E, Garabitos, E, Moneo, E, Martos, M, de Madaria, E, Mart?nez-Arranz, I, Garc?a-Cougil, M, Iglesias-G?mez, A and Bujanda, L
1 mar 2020
Ahead of Print:
8 ene 2020
CA19-9 serum has been suggested as a marker of unresectability but different cut-off levels have been published. A cut-off of 500 U/ml is currently considered in an international consensus as biological criteria of borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma. To evaluate whether serum CA19-9 threshold of 500 U/ml could be adequate predictor of resectability in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Multicenter, observational, prospective study performed in Spain including 203 patients diagnosed with pancreatic adenocarcinoma. 43 (21.2%) cases were resectable and 160 (78.8%) unresectable. Among the 176 preoperative CA19-9 available values, 98 (58.3%) were <= 500 U/ml and 73 (42.7%) > 500 U/ml. Resectability rate in those patients with CA19-9 <= 500 U/ml was 60% while it was found to be 18% when CA19-9 > 500 U/ml. Statistical model to predict resectability based on CA19-9 provide an AUC of 0.6618 (95% CI 0.53-0.83) when only CA19-9 values > 500 U/ml are studied. Serum levels of CA19-9 higher than 500 U/ml are indicative of unresectable disease, however reduced sensitivity and specificity lead to a limited clinical applicability for resectability.
Herreros-Villanueva, M:
Univ Pais Vasco UPV EHU, Dept Gastroenterol, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Enfermedades Hepat & Digest, Hosp Donostia,Inst Biodonostia, Paseo Dr Beguiristain S-N, San Sebastian 20010, Spain
Univ Isabel I, Fac Ciencias La Salud, Burgos, Spain
Ruiz-Rebollo, L:
Hosp Clin Valladolid, Dept Gastroenterol, Valladolid, Spain
Montes, M:
Hosp Clin Valladolid, Dept Surg, Valladolid, Spain
Rodriguez-Lopez, M:
Hosp Clin Valladolid, Dept Surg, Valladolid, Spain
Francisco, M:
Complexo Hosp Univ Ourense, Dept Gastroenterol, Orense, Spain
Cubiella, J:
Complexo Hosp Univ Ourense, Dept Gastroenterol, Orense, Spain
Iyo, E:
Hosp Comarcal Inca, Dept Gastroenterol, Mallorca, Spain
Garabitos, E:
Complejo Hosp San Pedro, Dept Gastroenterol, Logrono, Spain
Moneo, E:
Hosp Univ Cruces, Dept Gastroenterol, Baracaldo, Bizkaia, Spain
Martos, M:
Univ Pais Vasco UPV EHU, Dept Gastroenterol, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Enfermedades Hepat & Digest, Hosp Donostia,Inst Biodonostia, Paseo Dr Beguiristain S-N, San Sebastian 20010, Spain
Hosp Gen Univ Alicante, Gastroenterol Unit, Alicante, Spain
Mart?nez-Arranz, I:
OWL, Parque Tecnol Bizkaia, Derio, Spain
Garc?a-Cougil, M:
Complexo Hosp Univ Ourense, Dept Gastroenterol, Orense, Spain
Iglesias-G?mez, A:
Complexo Hosp Univ Ourense, Dept Gastroenterol, Orense, Spain
Bujanda, L:
Univ Pais Vasco UPV EHU, Dept Gastroenterol, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Enfermedades Hepat & Digest, Hosp Donostia,Inst Biodonostia, Paseo Dr Beguiristain S-N, San Sebastian 20010, Spain