Soft Computing of a Medically Important Arthropod Vector with Autoregressive Recurrent and Focused Time Delay Artificial Neural Networks
Damos, P, Tuells, J and Caballero, P
1 jun 2021
Ahead of Print:
31 may 2021
Simple Summary Arthropod vectors are responsible for transmitting a large number of diseases, and for most, there are still not available effective vaccines. Vector disease control is mostly achieved by a sustained prediction of vector populations to maintain support for surveillance and control activities. Mathematical models may assist in predicting arthropod population dynamics. However, arthropod dynamics, and mosquitoes particularly, due their complex life cycle, often exhibit an abrupt and non-linear occurrence. Therefore, there is a growing interest in describing mosquito population dynamics using new methodologies. In this work, we made an effort to gain insights into the non-linear population dynamics of Culex sp. adults, aiming to introduce straightforward soft-computing techniques based on artificial neural networks (ANNs). We propose two kind of models, one autoregressive, handling temperature as an exogenous driver and population as an endogenous one, and a second based only on the exogenous factor. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study using recurrent neural networks and the most influential environmental variable for prediction of the WNv vector Culex sp. population dynamics, providing a new framework to be used in arthropod decision-support systems. A central issue of public health strategies is the availability of decision tools to be used in the preventive management of the transmission cycle of vector-borne diseases. In this work, we present, for the first time, a soft system computing modeling approach using two dynamic artificial neural network (ANNs) models to describe and predict the non-linear incidence and time evolution of a medically important mosquito species, Culex sp., in Northern Greece. The first model is an exogenous non-linear autoregressive recurrent neural network (NARX), which is designed to take as inputs the temperature as an exogenous variable and mosquito abundance as endogenous variable. The second model is a focused time-delay neural network (FTD), which takes into account only the temperature variable as input to provide forecasts of the mosquito abundance as the target variable. Both models behaved well considering the non-linear nature of the adult mosquito abundance data. Although, the NARX model predicted slightly better (R = 0.623) compared to the FTD model (R = 0.534), the advantage of the FTD over the NARX neural network model is that it can be applied in the case where past values of the population system, here mosquito abundance, are not available for their forecasting.
Damos, P:
Univ Alicante, Fac Hlth Sci, Dept Community Nursing Prevent Med & Publ Hlth &, Alicante 03080, Spain
Univ Gen Hosp Thessaloniki, AHEPA, Kiriakidi 1, Thessaloniki 54621, Greece
Univ Gen Hosp Thessaloniki, AHEPA, Kiriakidi 1, Thessaloniki 54621, Greece
Univ Gen Hosp Thessaloniki, AHEPA, Kiriakidi 1, Thessaloniki 54621, Greece
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