Retinal image quality with multifocal, EDoF, and accommodative intraocular lenses as studied by pyramidal aberrometry

Por: Alio, J, D'Oria, F, Toto, F, Balgos, J, Palazon, A, Versaci, F and del Barrio, J

Publicada: 6 oct 2021
Background To study and compare the clinical optical image quality following implantation with different premium IOLs by analysing the point spread function (PSF) Strehl ratio using a pyramidal wavefront sensor (PWS)-based aberrometer. Methods This study included 194 eyes implanted with: (a) 19 AcrySof SA60AT (control group); (b) 19 Miniwell; (c) 24 LENTIS Mplus LS-313 MF30; d) 33 LENTIS Mplus LS-313 MF15; (e) 17 AkkoLens Lumina; (f) 31 AT LISA Tri 839MP; (g) 20 Precizon Presbyopic; (h) 20 AcrySof IQ PanOptix; (i) 11 Tecnis Eyhance. Main outcome measures were PSF Strehl ratio, PSF Strehl ratio excluding second-order aberrations (PSFw2), total root mean square (RMS), low-order aberration (LOA) and high-order aberration (HOA) RMS measured by PWS aberrometer. Results AT LISA Tri had the highest PSFw2 Strehl ratio at both 3.0- and 4.0-mm pupil size (0.52 +/- 0.14 and 0.31 +/- 0.10; P < 0.05), followed by SA60AT (0.41 +/- 0.11 and 0.28 +/- 0.07) and PanOptix (0.4 +/- 0.07 and 0.26 +/- 0.04). AT LISA Tri was found to provide a significantly better retinal image quality than PanOptix at both 3.0 mm (P < 0.0001) and 4.0 mm (P = 0.004). Mplus MF15 was found to be significantly better than Mplus MF30 at both 3.0 mm (P < 0.0001) and 4.0 mm (P = 0.002). Total RMS, LOA RMS, HOA RMS, PSF Strehl ratio and PSFw2 varied significantly between the studied groups (P < 0.001). Conclusions Far distance clinical image quality parameters measured by PWS aberrometer differed significantly according to the technology of the implanted lens. AT LISA Tri, SA60AT and PanOptix showed the highest values of far distance retinal image quality, while the lowest PSFw2 Strehl ratios were displayed by Miniwell, Mplus MF30 and Precizon Presbyopic.

Alio, J:
 Vissum Innovat, Alicante, Spain

 Univ Miguel Hernandez, Div Ophthalmol, Vissum Miranza, C Cabanal 1, Alicante 03016, Spain

D'Oria, F:
 Vissum Innovat, Alicante, Spain

 Univ Miguel Hernandez, Div Ophthalmol, Vissum Miranza, C Cabanal 1, Alicante 03016, Spain

 Univ Bari, Dept Basic Med Sci Neurosci & Sense Organs, Sect Ophthalmol, Bari, Italy

Toto, F:
 Vissum Innovat, Alicante, Spain

Balgos, J:
 Vissum Innovat, Alicante, Spain

 Miguel Hernandez Univ, Dept Clin Med, Alacant, Spain

Versaci, F:
 Costruz Strumenti Oftalm CSO, R&D Dept, Florence, Italy

del Barrio, J:
 Vissum Innovat, Alicante, Spain

 Univ Miguel Hernandez, Div Ophthalmol, Vissum Miranza, C Cabanal 1, Alicante 03016, Spain
ISSN: 23260254

Eye and Vision
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 8 Número: 1
WOS Id: 000704430500001
ID de PubMed: 34615549
imagen gold, Green Published