Proposals for person-centred care in the COVID-19 era. Delphi study
Mira, J, Blanco, M, Cheikh-Moussa, K, Solas, O, Alonso, A, Gutierrez, R, Gomez, C and Guilabert, M
1 abr 2021
Ahead of Print:
1 feb 2021
Background In this COVID-19 era, we need to rethink the criteria used to measure the results of person-centred care strategies.
Objective To identify priorities, and criteria that health services can use to pursue actually the goal of achieving person-centred care.
Design Three-phase online qualitative study performed during May-July of 2020 using the Delphi technique.
Setting and Participants An online platform was used for a consensus meeting of 114 participants, including health planning experts, health-care institution managers, clinicians and patients.
Main Outcome Measures Criteria and indicators for the achievement of person-centred care.
Main Results The first round began with 125 proposals and 11 dimensions. After the second round, 28 ideas reached a high level of consensus among the participants. Ultimately, the workgroup agreed on 20 criteria for goals in the implementation of person-centred care during the COVID-19 era and 21 related indicators to measure goal achievement.
Discussion Nine dimensions and 28 priorities were identified. These priorities are also in accordance with the quadruple aim approach, which emphasizes the need for care for health-care professionals, without whom it is impossible to achieve a better quality of care.
Conclusions Person-centred care continues to be a key objective. However, new metrics are needed to ensure its continued development during the restoration of public health services beyond the control of COVID-19.
Patient or Public Contribution Twelve professionals and patient representatives participated voluntarily in the construction of the baseline questionnaire and in the selection of the criteria and indicators using an online platform for consensus meetings.
FISABIO, Dept Salud Alicante St Joan, Grp Atenea, Alicante, Spain
Univ Miguel Hernandez, Alicante, Spain
REDISSEC, Alicante, Spain
Blanco, M:
Consultor Ambito Sanitario & Sostenibilidad Justa, Madrid, Spain
Cheikh-Moussa, K:
FISABIO, Dept Salud Alicante St Joan, Grp Atenea, Alicante, Spain
Solas, O:
Consultora Polit Publ, Toledo, Spain
Alonso, A:
Diputac Prov Sevilla, Area Serv Publ Supramunicipales, Seville, Spain
Gutierrez, R:
Univ Miguel Hernandez, Alicante, Spain
Soc Espanola Atenc Usuario Sanidad, Barcelona, Spain
Gomez, C:
Serv Cantabro Salud, Santander, Spain
Univ Miguel Hernandez, Alicante, Spain
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