Guidelines and definitions for research on epithelial-mesenchymal transition

Por: Yang, J, Antin, P, Berx, G, Blanpain, C, Brabletz, T, Bronner, M, Campbell, K, Cano, A, Casanova, J, Christofori, G, Dedhar, S, Derynck, R, Ford, H, Fuxe, J, de Herreros, A, Goodall, G, Hadjantonakis, A, Huang, R, Kalcheim, C, Kalluri, R, Kang, Y, Khew-Goodall, Y, Levine, H, Liu, J, Longmore, G, Mani, S, Massague, J, Mayor, R, McClay, D, Mostov, K, Newgreen, D, Nieto, M, Puisieux, A, Runyan, R, Savagner, P, Stanger, B, Stemmler, M, Takahashi, Y, Takeichi, M, Theveneau, E, Thiery, J, Thompson, E, Weinberg, R, Williams, E, Xing, J, Zhou, B, Sheng, G and Emt Int Assoc TEMTIA

Publicada: 1 jun 2020
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) encompasses dynamic changes in cellular organization from epithelial to mesenchymal phenotypes, which leads to functional changes in cell migration and invasion. EMT occurs in a diverse range of physiological and pathological conditions and is driven by a conserved set of inducing signals, transcriptional regulators and downstream effectors. With over 5,700 publications indexed by Web of Science in 2019 alone, research on EMT is expanding rapidly. This growing interest warrants the need for a consensus among researchers when referring to and undertaking research on EMT. This Consensus Statement, mediated by 'the EMT International Association' (TEMTIA), is the outcome of a 2-year-long discussion among EMT researchers and aims to both clarify the nomenclature and provide definitions and guidelines for EMT research in future publications. We trust that these guidelines will help to reduce misunderstanding and misinterpretation of research data generated in various experimental models and to promote cross-disciplinary collaboration to identify and address key open questions in this research field. While recognizing the importance of maintaining diversity in experimental approaches and conceptual frameworks, we emphasize that lasting contributions of EMT research to increasing our understanding of developmental processes and combatting cancer and other diseases depend on the adoption of a unified terminology to describe EMT. In this Consensus Statement, the authors (on behalf of the EMT International Association) propose guidelines to define epithelial-mesenchymal transition, its phenotypic plasticity and the associated multiple intermediate epithelial-mesenchymal cell states. Clarification of nomenclature and definitions will help reduce misinterpretation of research data generated in different experimental model systems and promote cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Yang, J:
 Univ Calif San Diego, Moores Canc Ctr, Dept Pharmacol, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA

 Univ Calif San Diego, Moores Canc Ctr, Dept Pediat, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA

Antin, P:
 Univ Arizona, Dept Cellular & Mol Med, Tucson, AZ USA

Berx, G:
 Univ Ghent, Mol & Cellular Oncol Lab, Dept Biomed Mol Biol, Canc Res Inst Ghent CRIG,VIB Ctr Inflammat Res, Ghent, Belgium

Blanpain, C:
 Univ Libre Bruxelles, Lab Stem Cells & Canc, Brussels, Belgium

Brabletz, T:
 Friedrich Alexander Univ Erlangen Nurnberg, Dept Expt Med 1, Nikolaus Fiebiger Ctr Mol Med, Erlangen, Germany

Bronner, M:
 CALTECH, Div Biol & Biol Engn, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA

Campbell, K:
 Univ Sheffield, Dept Biomed Sci, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England

 Univ Sheffield, Bateson Ctr, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England

Cano, A:
 UAM, Dept Bioquim, Inst Invest Biomed Alberto Sols, CSIC,IdiPAZ, Madrid, Spain

 Ctr Invest Biomed Red Canc CIBERONC, Madrid, Spain

Casanova, J:
 Inst Biol Mol Barcelona IBMB CSIC, IRB, Barcelona Inst Sci & Technol, Barcelona, Spain

Christofori, G:
 Univ Basel, Dept Biomed, Basel, Switzerland

Dedhar, S:
 Univ British Columbia, Dept Biochem & Mol Biol, Vancouver, BC, Canada

 British Columbia Canc Res Ctr, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Derynck, R:
 Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Cell & Tissue Biol, San Francisco, CA 94143 USA

 Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Anat, San Francisco, CA 94143 USA

Ford, H:
 Univ Colorado, Dept Pharmacol, Anschutz Med Campus, Aurora, CO USA

Fuxe, J:
 Karolinska Univ Hosp, Dept Lab Med LABMED, Div Pathol, Stockholm, Sweden

 Karolinska Inst, Dept Microbiol Tumor & Cell Biol MTC, Stockholm, Sweden

de Herreros, A:
 Univ Pompeu Fabra, Programa Recerca Canc, Inst Hosp Mar Invest Med IMIM, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Pompeu Fabra, Dept Ciencies Expt & Salut, Barcelona, Spain

Goodall, G:
 Alliance SA Pathol, Ctr Canc Biol, Adelaide, SA, Australia

 Univ South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia

Hadjantonakis, A:
 Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Dev Biol Program, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10021 USA

Huang, R:
 Natl Taiwan Univ, Coll Med, Sch Med, Taipei, Taiwan

Kalcheim, C:
 Hebrew Univ Jerusalem, Dept Med Neurobiol, Inst Med Res Israel Canada, Hadassah Med Sch, Jerusalem, Israel

 Hebrew Univ Jerusalem, Safra Ctr Neurosci, Hadassah Med Sch, Jerusalem, Israel

Kalluri, R:
 Univ Texas MD Anderson Canc Ctr, Dept Canc Biol, Metastasis Res Ctr, Houston, TX 77030 USA

Kang, Y:
 Princeton Univ, Dept Mol Biol, Princeton, NJ USA

Khew-Goodall, Y:
 Alliance SA Pathol, Ctr Canc Biol, Adelaide, SA, Australia

 Univ South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia

Levine, H:
 Northeastern Univ, Dept Phys, Boston, MA 02115 USA

Liu, J:
 Univ Texas MD Anderson Canc Ctr, Dept Anat Pathol, Div Pathol & Lab Med, Houston, TX 77030 USA

Longmore, G:
 Washington Univ, Dept Med Oncol, St Louis, MO 63110 USA

 Washington Univ, Dept Cell Biol & Physiol, ICCE Inst, St Louis, MO 63110 USA

Mani, S:
 Univ Texas MD Anderson Canc Ctr, Dept Translat Mol Pathol, Houston, TX 77030 USA

Massague, J:
 Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Canc Biol & Genet Program, Sloan Kettering Inst, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10021 USA

Mayor, R:
 UCL, Dept Cell & Dev Biol, London, England

McClay, D:
 Duke Univ, Dept Biol, Durham, NC USA

Mostov, K:
 Univ Calif San Francisco, Sch Med, Dept Anat, San Francisco, CA USA

 Univ Calif San Francisco, Sch Med, Dept Biochem, San Francisco, CA USA

 Univ Calif San Francisco, Sch Med, Dept Biophys, San Francisco, CA USA

Newgreen, D:
 Royal Childrens Hosp, Murdoch Childrens Res Inst, Parkville, Vic, Australia

 Inst Neurociencias CSIC UMH, Avda Ramon y Cajal S-N, Sant Joan Dalacant, Spain

Puisieux, A:
 Univ Claude Bernard Lyon 1, INSERM 1052, CNRS 5286, Ctr Leon Berard,Canc Res Ctr Lyon, Lyon, France

 PSL Res Univ, Inst Curie, Paris, France

Runyan, R:
 Univ Arizona, Dept Cellular & Mol Med, Tucson, AZ USA

Savagner, P:
 Univ Paris Saclay, INSERM, Integrat Tumor Immunol & Genet Oncol, Gustave Roussy,UMR 1186, Villejuif, France

Stanger, B:
 Univ Penn, Dept Med, Perelman Sch Med, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

Stemmler, M:
 Friedrich Alexander Univ Erlangen Nurnberg, Dept Expt Med 1, Nikolaus Fiebiger Ctr Mol Med, Erlangen, Germany

Takahashi, Y:
 Kyoto Univ, Grad Sch Sci, Dept Zool, Kyoto, Japan

Takeichi, M:
 RIKEN Ctr Biosyst Dynam Res, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan

Theveneau, E:
 Univ Toulouse, CNRS, CBI, CBD,UPS, Toulouse, France

Thiery, J:
 Guangzhou Regenerat Med & Hlth, Guangdong Lab, Guangzhou, Peoples R China

Thompson, E:
 Queensland Univ Technol, Sch Biomed Sci, Translat Res Inst, Woolloongabba, Qld, Australia

 Queensland Univ Technol, Inst Hlth & Biomed Innovat, Translat Res Inst, Woolloongabba, Qld, Australia

Weinberg, R:
 MIT, Whitehead Inst Biomed Res, Dept Biol, Ludwig Ctr Mol Oncol, Cambridge, MA USA

Williams, E:
 Queensland Univ Technol, APCRC Q, Woolloongabba, Qld, Australia

 Queensland Univ Technol, QBCI, Sch Biomed Sci, Woolloongabba, Qld, Australia

 Queensland Univ Technol, Inst Hlth & Biomed Innovat, Woolloongabba, Qld, Australia

Xing, J:
 Univ Pittsburgh, Dept Computat & Syst Biol, Pittsburgh, PA USA

 Univ Pittsburgh, UPMC Hillman Canc Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA USA

Zhou, B:
 Univ Kentucky, Coll Med, Dept Mol & Cellular Biochem, Lexington, KY USA

 Univ Kentucky, Coll Med, UK Markey Canc Ctr, Lexington, KY USA

Sheng, G:
 Kumamoto Univ, IRCMS, Kumamoto, Japan
ISSN: 14710072

Nature Publishing Group, HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, BERLIN, 14197, GERMANY, Reino Unido
Tipo de documento: Review
Volumen: 21 Número: 6
Páginas: 341-352
WOS Id: 000535680800006
ID de PubMed: 32300252
imagen Green Published, hybrid, Green Accepted